
Carbon Intensive Industries – Sectors That Emit the Most Carbon 

There is no denying that human beings are the number one contributor and driver of climate change, according to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), which acknowledges and records humans’ contribution to global warming. From the way we live, consume goods, and do mundane activities, we emit and release greenhouses gases in a steady increase.  

Many gases contribute to global warming but carbon dioxide is the most popular and widely recognized and up until now, it is the most damaging. Although humans have created ways to limit and dispose of wastes properly such as services that safely dispose of waste and organizations that advocate recycling and reusing plastic and wastes, we still add 110.5 tons of carbon dioxide in our atmosphere on a daily basis, and this number is increasing annually with the increasing industrial activities, according to NASA.  

The talks about global warming are prevalent, even in international forums, and almost all countries acknowledge, or claim to acknowledge the issue. However, even after the 2016 Paris Agreement, which serves to be an affirmative action against climate change, many industries still find it difficult to limit their carbon emissions perhaps because doing so also cut back their profits. Coal, for instance, is a major contributor to carbon emissions, is, unfortunately, a resource that most countries rely on for energy.  

It is important to take note that global warming is a natural phenomenon. The greenhouse gases trapping heat within the atmosphere are what also make the earth habitable. It is the massive amounts of emissions, which create a dramatic speed in the earth’s warming, that is concerning.  

Although almost every individual contributes carbon footprint, there are big sectors that contribute major portions of these emissions, and here, we list the following: 

1. Energy  

The biggest source of the emission comes from burning fossil fuels, which accounts for about three-quarters of the overall carbon emissions. This energy is used for electricity generation, heat production, and power generation for both commercial and residential spaces.  

2. Commercial and Residential sectors 

Because these spaces need the energy to function, they also contribute majorly to greenhouse gases emissions. Besides the energy, residential and commercial spaces also produce human-induced emissions such as handling and incineration, solid waste disposal, and other fossil fuels usages. Although there are services that limit these such as the residential and commercial garbage bin rental in Niagara Falls ON, which functions to dispose of waste properly.  

3. Agriculture 

Agriculture, deforestation, and livestock-raising also contribute majorly to carbon emissions. Deforestation cuts back the number of trees that may help in absorbing carbon dioxide and livestock also produce not just carbon but also other greenhouse gases.  

4. Industry  

This sector which involves manufacturing, mining, and construction, has given off over 20% of carbon dioxide in 2014. specifically, petroleum, chemicals, food, and paper are the industries that contribute most of the industrial sector’s overall emissions.  

It is important to note that we have a responsibility to our planet and this is taking actions to combat climate change and at least lessen our carbon footprint.  


What are the Benefits of Tree Trimming? 

The way you give care to your tree equates to the shape and the strength of the tree. If the tree you own is well taken care of, it will surely last longer and can provide a good appeal as well as great value to your property. To ensure that your tree is healthy, one solution is trimming. 

Trimming is often perceived tedious and since this is what every tree owner mostly thinks, trimming is neglected leaving the tree without great shape or form as well as unhealthy. To make sure you trim your tree the next time you view it in your ward, here are some benefits to ponder on. 

1. Provide good health to a tree 

A huge tree may be attractive. It can seem strong and able to withstand anything. However, a big tree without a trim may struggle with its health. You see, the size of a tree may affect the distribution of the nutrients to its entire body. Due to its size, some parts of the tree may not be given the nutrients it needs thus leaving the tree unhealthy and sometimes can even lead the tree to have a disease that may endanger you, your family and your property.  

If you want to ensure that your tree is healthy, call your local tree trimming service today like local tree trimming Chesapeake VA, to ensure that your trimming needs are being acted upon. 

2. Provide a better sunlight exposure 

Even if you have not really listened to your science class seriously, I’m pretty sure you still have a good amount of knowledge about photosynthesis. Trees as well as all other plants thrive on photosynthesis and getting the right amount of sunlight exposure is critical to the process. A big red may often have leaves that are not as exposed to the sun like the other parts and this may cause a lesser process to happen. A diminished photosynthesis is a big problem because it will lead to various tree problems in the future. Thus, trimming your tree to make sure every leafy branch is exposed is your solution to the problem. 

3. Provide a balance to root concerns 

Root loss may also be a problem when it comes to trees however ensuring that your tree is trimmed regularly will help counter the problem. Moreover, trimming can also provide a better look for your tree and provides a form or shape that you want and will help the tree look better and healthier. 

4. Provide detection of possible diseases 

Disease detection is often difficult for homeowners because homeowners are not as well trained as professionals.  Since professional tree services are trained in distinguishing diseases in trees, having them over for a trim will help in recognizing as well as verifying the problem.  

5. Provide a better tree productivity 

If your tree of concern is a fruit tree, for sure trimming it will provide better nutrients to the overall of the tree thus will also encourage the tree to bear more fruits. 

To make sure you have the help you need for your tree care concerns, get some help from!